Dream Journeys

Our dreamworld is a mirror of our life. Entering this mirror world is a journey.

Each dream, tells the story of a specific part of our lives.

Like books, our dreams can be short, like a poem, or they can be long, like a novel.  They can be terrifying, revealing our darkness, or enlightening, filling us with hope and love.

Pick the Dream Journey that resonates with the guidance you need the most at this moment.

All Dream Journeys include four dream analysis sessions and a free introductory women’s chat. All sessions are complimented by wellness guidance, to maximize spiritual awakening in your body, mind and spirit.I integrate and suggest different modalities to suit your desired outcome.

I curate mind, body and spirit techniques from a team of inspirational women who have dedicated their lives to pursuing their heart-centered soul-based offerings to the world.

I guide you on your journey to wholeness. I step into the starry lit doorway and beckon you in, then we walk amongst the dreamworlds. Through meadows and oceans, dark corners and shadows. I help you understand your dream story. I walk with you on your dream journey.

– Megan Mary

Feeling Lost? Dream Analysis for transitions

The Crossroads

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Do you feel like the spiritual, emotional and physical ground is shifting below your feet? Do you have a strong feeling your world is changing faster than you can keep up and you have to choose your direction quickly to harness it?

The Crossroads is a powerful place of change. Your dreams can lead you down the path to wholeness. Through a series of dream sessions, and journal prompts, along with recommended meditations and frequency music, we will work to embrace your new direction, discover your new purpose and journey towards transformation.

Perfect for women at major shift points such as menopause.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost

Feeling stuck? dream analysis for recurring dreams

The Time Loop

Do you continually have a recurring dream? Are you stuck in a repeating pattern? Do you feel like your life is the same thing every day? Work with me to break out of repetitive patterns. Discover the message your dreams are trying to tell you that has not yet broken through.

The Time Loop will pass you through the circular nature of your reality to find the center. Through a series of dream sessions, and journal prompts, along with recommended meditations and frequency music, we will work to free you from your hamster wheel and unravel the loop you are stuck in.

“Time is an illusion” – Albert Einstein

feeling uninspired? explore lucid dreaming

The Treasure Box

A creativity starter, work with me to harness the creativity available in your dreams. Are you starting a new business, working on a project that you need a solution for? Writing a book that you need inspiration for?

In the treasure box, I will lead you through a series of dream sessions, and journal prompts, along with recommended meditations and frequency music, to ignite your creative fire.

Perfect for artists, creators, writers & entrepreneurs

“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

feeling fearful? dream analysis for nightmares

The Eclipse

Are you walking in darkness? Are you dreams more like nightmares, filled with dark imagery and emotions? Darkness is a natural part of our existence, a yin to the yang. Darkness is essential and deep to bring us into the light. Nightmares are so powerful, so vivid, so upsetting, because they are magnified messages we need to listen to.

The Eclipse is your symbol of renewal.

Embrace your darkness to find your light.

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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