The Dream Mirrors: eBook


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Title: The Dream Mirrors: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick
Author: Megan Mary
Release Date: Estimated May 1, 2025
Format: eBook
Publisher‏: ‎ Inner Realms Publishing
Language: ‎ English
Length: ‎ TBD

It’s Mercury Retrograde again, and the night of the great 9/9/9 portal. Skye Manor hosts an exclusive dinner party to celebrate. But something goes terribly wrong. Dinner guests are disappearing faster than Hannah and Jewelia can search for clues. But this time, it’s not just The Dream Haunters. A new sinister force is at play. Morgan is in danger, and a new girl in town, Jezebelle has no idea what she’s walking into. To save her friends Hannah will need all the help her animal spirit guides can offer and her trusty dream journal.

Combining the metaphysical themes of duality, portals, mirrors, reflection and illusion, this celestial fall-themed mirror fantasy weaves dreams and mystery into an enchanting tale of magick and self-discovery.


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