Guest Appearance: The Broom, The Brush and The Beyond

Unlocking Inner Wisdom Through Dreamwork: My Appearance on Isaya Gabriel’s Podcast

I was thrilled be a guest on Isaya Gabriel’s Podcast, Isaya’s Inspiring Evenings, and the new series called the Broom, the Brush and the Beyond to discuss Dreamwork for Personal Growth and Self-Discovery.

Her podcast features conversations about the intersection of art and spirituality, mostly centering around the iterations of spirituality that are connected to nature, mysticism, galactic origins, ancient traditions, paganism, forgotten rituals and mythology.

I recently had the pleasure of joining Isaya Gabriel on her podcast, Isaya’s Inspiring Evenings, to delve into some truly transformative topics. Part of the new series, The Broom, the Brush, and the Beyond, our conversation centered around the potent intersection of art and spirituality, with an emphasis on Dreamwork for personal growth and self-discovery.

The Intersection of Art and Spirituality

Isaya and I explored various iterations of spirituality that are deeply connected to nature, mysticism, and ancient traditions. From galactic origins and paganism to forgotten rituals and mythology, we discussed how these spiritual paths can inspire art and provide a framework for understanding our place in the universe. These themes resonate strongly in the Dreamwork I do, where dreams serve as a bridge between the subconscious and the conscious mind, often drawing upon these ancient spiritual traditions.

The Dreamwork Journey

Isaya lovingly referred to me as a “Mid-wife to the Subconscious,” a title that perfectly encapsulates my role in helping others access and interpret the wisdom held within their dreams. Our discussion highlighted how we each hold the keys to our inner wisdom, but sometimes need guidance to unlock the door. Through Dreamwork, I assist others in accessing their subconscious mind, revealing insights that can lead to profound personal growth.

The DreamMirror Method

During the podcast, I shared insights into my DreamMirror Method, a unique approach to Dreamwork that allows individuals to see their subconscious reflections within their dreams. I explained what happens in a typical dream session, from tracking recurring dreams to the process of Dream Integration. This method not only helps individuals understand their dreams but also empowers them to integrate the messages from their dreams into their waking lives.

Dreamwork as the Ultimate in Women’s Self-Care

One of the key points I touched on was why I believe Dreamwork is the ultimate form of self-care, especially for women. In a world where women often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, connecting with their inner selves through Dreamwork can be a deeply nurturing practice. It’s a way to tap into their subconscious, uncover hidden desires, and reclaim their personal power.

Dream Manifestation and Creativity

Isaya and I also discussed the fascinating concept of dream manifestation—how we can query our subconscious mind through dreams to find answers to our deepest questions. By focusing on our dreams, we can manifest solutions and ideas that might otherwise remain hidden. This process can also serve as a wellspring of creativity, with the stories and symbols from our dreams inspiring art, writing, and other forms of creative expression.

Final Thoughts

My conversation with Isaya Gabriel was a reminder of the profound wisdom that lies within each of us. By engaging in Dreamwork, we can unlock this wisdom, use it for personal growth, and inspire our creative endeavors. If you haven’t yet tuned into Isaya’s Inspiring Evenings, I highly recommend it. Our discussion on The Broom, the Brush, and the Beyond is just the beginning of a series that promises to be both enlightening and empowering.

In the words of Isaya, may we all continue to explore the rich tapestry of our dreams and unlock the doors to our subconscious minds. After all, the answers we seek are often within us, waiting to be discovered.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.

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