Say Goodbye to Your Dream Dictionary

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Women’s Dream Enlightenment | Episode 6

Dream dictionaries offer generic interpretations of symbols in your dreams, but they don’t tell the whole story.

Your dreams are more personal than any dream dictionary can explain.

It’s time to ditch your dream dictionary and start listening to the real messages in your dreams.

Discover your unique dream language.

Whether your dream is about being chased, losing your teeth, a lost loved one, being late, taking a test, losing something, flying, falling, walking around naked, dying, or just driving out of control. All of these dreams are more than just a one word definitions. The fact that they are common dreams does not in any way mean the common explanation applies to you.

The CONTEXT is everything.

The EMOTION is everything.

Who you are, how it makes you feel and your unique life experience means everything when it comes to interpreting what that dream means to you.

Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by dreams. I was also very drawn to decipher what they meant. This of course led me to dream dictionaries. Every time I would have a dream, the next morning I would dutifully look up each symbol, trying to find out what it meant and why I was dreaming about it. I would sometimes find some explanations insightful, but most of the time they lead me down a different path, away from the message the dream was trying to tell me.

The Problem with Relying on Dream Interpretation Dictionaries

The digital world is filled with dream dictionaries, some offering just the author’s interpretation and others offering an aggregate of multiple different dictionary explanations online.

It is very tempting to use these sites to make sense of your own dreams. But that could not be further from the truth. The truth of your dreams lies strictly, solely, and only in the dream symbols meaning to you. I have heard this referred to as your own dream poetry, or your own dream language. We all have one, and they are all as different and unique as each person each.

Every person has experienced life a different way, lived different places, met different people, endured different trials, celebrated different successes and all are in a different stage in their journey of life.

Every symbol in your dream comes from your life, your experience, your emotions, your knowledge.

And while there are common symbols we all encounter and things about our lives we all share, what those symbols mean to you is utterly unique and cannot be defined by a standard definition.

Why Your Dreams Are More Personal Than Any Dream Dictionary Can Explain

To put this theory into action, let’s consider if someone tells me there was a pen in their dream. Consider the possibilities just within that one symbol. Everyone has pens, has used pens and knows that a pen is. You might even be able to say pens are universal, however of course, every pen is different.

Think of all the different types of pens there could be: modern pens such as a stylus made for your cell or mobile phone, standard office supply pens such as ballpoint and rollerball, or old-fashioned reed or fountain pens that were dipped in ink wells. Some pens are gray and drab, simply utilitarian, some pens are fancy or gold plated, some are chewed up from biting on them, and so on.

The standard dream dictionary interpretation would be that a pen, in its literal sense, is a tool for writing. Writing is of course a form of communication. Some dictionaries go a step further to saw you have a call to be a writer, or that the pen represents a guarantee, an agreement, a fortune, etc. What is missing from this one word interpretation is, well everything. Who is the dreamer? Where is the dreamer in the interpretation? What is the action? What is the pen doing? Consider the possibilities:

  • To hold a pen
  • Throw a pen
  • Pick up a pen
  • Drop a pen
  • Lose a pen
  • Give a pen
  • Be given a pen
  • Have a pen that is not working

They all have different meanings. And they all should be considered in the context of the dreamer. What is happening in the dream with the pen and most importantly, what does a pen symbolize to the dreamer. In the context of the dream, how did the symbol appear, what was happening to the symbol and what emotions were felt around that symbol.

The Connection Between Personal Symbolism and Dream Interpretation

To flush out what that symbol means to the dreamer, we often have to disassociate them temporarily from the symbol. If you were to say it out loud, how does it sound? What image does it evoke? If you had to tell someone else who had never seen a pen before what a pen was used for, how would you describe that? Is the pen a mirror or a key to anything in your waking life?

Someone might say it reminds them of a gift they received once for a special occasion. If so, then the dream recalls positive memories of receiving a gift, perhaps of the person that gave it to them, and what that person represented for them. Or maybe it reminds them of an office they used to work in where everyone would steal their pens. If so, then the dream recalls negative memories of a situation where they always felt frustrated. Does the dreamer have negative or positive associations with pens?

Saying Goodbye to Your Dream Dictionary Can Be the Best Thing for Your Dream Life

All of these questions raised are just around one symbol. Think about how many symbols you may encounter in just one dream on any given night while you sleep. This is why dream dictionaries do not help us when it comes to getting the true message out of our dreams.

Each symbol has to be considered in the whole context of the dream, with all its other symbols, and what meaning and significance that holds for the dreamer exclusively. It does not matter what that symbol means to anyone else. All that matters is what it means to the dreamer.

Are you ready to say goodbye to your dream dictionary for good? Are you ready to unlock your unique dream language, to harness the transformative power in your dreams? To discover the meanings of your dreams and what specific message they hold for just you?

I am Megan Mary, a dream specialist. Tell me your dreams and we will explore their hidden meaning together.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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3 responses to “Say Goodbye to Your Dream Dictionary”

  1. Diane Emerick Avatar

    I dreamt I was in a nursing home (not as a resident) as a visitor. I was carrying a Wedding cake and some other items that someone had given me asking me to deliver them to somone in the nursing home. I was walking all over the place for hours and could not find the room to take the stuff to and could not find my way out of the nursing home. I was checking the rooms and found some to just have body parts in them. The elevator would not work to enable me to leave and I tried again walking all over the place looking for a way to leave. Then I woke up.

  2. Diane Emerick Avatar

    I am so excited about talking with you about my dream!

    1. Megan Mary Avatar

      Hi Diane, I am excited to talk with you too! Thank you so much for registering for the upcoming webinar, I have emailed your link to schedule your complimentary mini dream analysis session. I look forward to meeting you!

About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.