11:11 Sound Healing Summit: Session 2

Get ready to experience a profound shift in your spiritual journey! Held on the magical date of 11/11 this is the “Sound Healing Summit: Transforming Souls,” a Women’s Dream Collective Event.

🔮 Elevate your spirit, raise your vibration, and align with your higher purpose through the ancient art of sound healing. Our extraordinary group of women experts will guide you on this life-transforming path.

✨ Spiritual Elevation: Connect with your inner self and higher purpose. ✨ Energetic Alignment: Tune into your unique vibration and find balance.
✨ Sound Alchemy: Experience live sound healing performances that touch your soul.
✨ Soulful Community: Connect with like-minded individuals on a spiritual journey.

Let the resonance of sound elevate your spirit and help you align with your higher purpose.

Join us in a collective pursuit of spiritual growth and alignment with your true self. 🌟

Are you ready to raise your vibration and transform your life on a spiritual level? It’s time to dream big and align with your higher purpose!

• Megan Mary: Sound Frequencies for Dream Integration
• Susan Eva: Bio Energetics and Sound Healing 
• Casey Castro: Tuning Forks in Energy Work
• Sharon Buck: The Energetics of Health
• Yee Ley: Your Voice as a Healing Instrument
• Kate Marginson: Bowls for the heart and soul

Join our Dream Collective community on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Sound Session 2:

Megan Mary: Sound Frequencies for Dream Integration

Susan Eva: Bio Energetics and Sound Healing 

Casey Castro: Tuning Forks in Energy Work

Sharon Buck:The Energetics of Health

Yee Ley: Your Voice as a Healing Instrument

Kate Marginson: Bowls for the heart 💚 and soul

Sound Session 1: Megan hosted the Transformative Sound Healing Summit where various speakers discussed the potential of sound healing for mind, body, and soul. Topics included dream analysis, solfeggio frequencies, crystal alchemy singing bowls tuned to specific chakras and 432 hertz, tuning forks in energy work, energetics in health, using the voice as a healing instrument, and the impact of sound and frequencies on healing and spiritual work.

Sound Healing Summit: Exploring Potential & Impact

Megan hosted the Transformative Sound Healing Summit, where she discussed the potential of sound healing for mind, body, and soul. She also introduced the 11:11 portal, which represents new beginnings, intuition, and alignment with the higher self. The discussion also included the impact of dream analysis and solfeggio frequencies. Megan explored the potential of combining dream analysis with sound frequency healing, emphasizing the importance of tailoring frequencies to an individual’s unique experiences and dream content. Susan was invited to discuss bioenergetics and sound healing, introducing her work with crystal alchemy and singing bowls tuned to specific chakras and 432 hertz, the frequency of nature. She led a sound bath experience to demonstrate the healing properties of these frequencies.

Tuning Forks in Energy Work

Casey Castro from Primordial Path discussed the use of tuning forks in energy work. She explained her process of working with clients to transmute energy, using sounds, color frequencies, and channeled energies. She highlighted that tuning forks help her diagnose energetic blocks, release traumas, and more. She also detailed how the tuning forks are used, discussing their role in retuning and charging up the chakras, removing stuck energy, and promoting a healthy energy flow. Lastly, she emphasized the importance of addressing unresolved energy that can impact clients’ daily lives.

Tuning Forks for Healing & Transformation

Casey discussed the specific set of tuning forks that she uses, which are tuned to the solfeggio frequencies mentioned by Megan. She explained that these frequencies were used in ancient times in churches and cathedrals to bring about healing and transformation. Casey uses nine different forks, each with a different frequency, and explained their general uses. She also conducted an exercise where she played the forks’ sounds for the audience. Megan then introduced the next speaker, Sharon, who discussed the energetics of health.

Sound Healing and Energetics in Health

Sharon discussed the concept of energetics in health, emphasizing that humans are essentially electrical beings that resonate with sound. She highlighted the role of sound healing in releasing suppressed emotions, healing the self, and potentially helping the ancestral lineage and collective. She also addressed the idea of being out of balance, with physical pain often linked to emotional traumas and memories. The discussion concluded with Sharon mentioning a client’s experience of resolving an issue through sound healing, attributing the power of sound to its ability to access and release stored memories and emotions.

Meditation for Grounding and Connection

Kate Marginson guided the team through a meditation, aiming to help them ground themselves and open their hearts. The meditation involved a specific mudra to connect the left and right sides of the body, deep breathing, and the intention to be grounded and connected to the soul. Kate also encouraged the team to let go of outside distractions and focus on their physical form. The meditation ended with a clearing breath and the team was instructed to slowly open their eyes.

Sound and Frequencies in Healing and Spiritual Work

The meeting discussed the impact of sound and frequencies on healing and spiritual work. The participants highlighted the significance of solstice and equinox, and specific portals of spiritual opportunity. The role of elements in different seasons and the potential of nature sounds to enhance plant life were also explored. The conversation touched on the use of specific frequencies for Schumann resonances, Fibonacci series, and lunar cycles. The speakers expressed amazement at the ability of sound frequencies to know what the body and person need. The consensus was that the use of sound and frequencies is a powerful tool for healing and spiritual work.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.