The Perfect Storm: From Chronic Illness to Spiritual Awakening

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Women’s Dream Enlightenment | Episode 3

This is one woman’s personal journey from autoimmune and chronic illness to spiritual awakening.  Interstitial Cystitis, Hashimoto’s Disease, Lyme Disease, Mold Disease and cataract surgery formed the perfect storm for a transformative awakening.  While enduring any dis-ease can be difficult, it can also be a catalyst for making profound changes in the way we view and live our lives. Know that whatever you are going through, there is a silver lining waiting for you to discover it. Recognize the connections between your mind, body and spirit. Embrace your struggles, learn to listen to your inner knowing in your dreams and connect with your unique higher purpose. Anything that has or will ever happen to you is a gift, if you share it.

Our darkest times often lead us towards enlightenment and a new realization of our purpose here on earth. As an introvert and private person, I never planned on telling my story. But now I feel compelled to share it, so that other women can find comfort in knowing they are not alone.

Storms in nature, aren’t always just…in nature. After all, we are all part of nature, and as such storms are part of us, and we them. When winds rise, temperatures swell, and the air fills with change, a storm is afoot. The more dramatic the storm, the more change it brings.

Megan Mary

When people ask me how I came to start Women’s Dream Analysis, I have to tell my story of spiritual awakening. It can’t be told without that part. In fact, it was more like a spiritual remembering. Since I felt strongly like I was picking up somewhere I left off long ago and had forgotten.

If you are a woman who suffers from chronic illness, this is for you.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

The first chronic disease I was diagnosed with was Interstitial Cystitis (IC). I’ve battled this disease or “syndrome” for over 15 years now. It is largely considered a “woman’s disease.” Initially I thought about creating an online business for women simply to provide nutritional support for IC. There is no medical cure and the first line of treatment is a very restrictive diet.

Seeking answers on how I could best allow food to be my medicine,  I became certified in plant-based nutrition and then went to an online culinary school to become a plant-based home chef.

I was going to create a plant-based website that would be a resource and support site for women with IC to help them learn what they “could” eat, rather than the exhaustive list of what not to eat. But that never developed, as there was more planned for me yet.

Although I was eating extremely healthy and exercising, thinking I was doing all the right things, I was still not well, something else was not right.

Even though my blood work showed signs years earlier, it wasn’t until two years ago that I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland, where the body creates antibodies against the thyroid, recognizing it as a harmful invader and attacking it. Hashimoto’s disease is 4 to 10 times more common in women than men

Nearly 80% of people affected by autoimmune disease are women. There are many different autoimmune illnesses, but at their core they all share one similarity, it is the body attacking itself. It is a state of dis-ease that is self-destructive.

There are so many researchers and practitioners out there shedding light on the connection between our bodies and our minds. It is all interconnected.

Our life experience, emotions and thoughts in our mind, can manifest dis-ease in our bodies.

After struggling with adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, and intense brain fog, my functional medicine practitioner eventually referred me to an autoimmune specialist. The application was long, 32 pages, and there was a long wait list. I was desperate for answers.

The Eyes Are the Window to the Soul

My eyesight, which had always been terribly bad since I was a child, began to get worse and worse. It was becoming difficult to see, to do my job or to tell a comma from a period on my computer screen. 

Even with my high-powered contacts, and I knew something else was wrong.  I found out I needed cataract surgery, which, in my opinion, is pretty rare for someone in their 40s.

Two months prior to my launching my business, the perfect storm happened with my health. Well, it wasn’t anything but perfect, but looking back it was perfect to bring me here to you today.

On the morning my husband brought me home from my 2nd cataract surgery, I finally had my telehealth visit with the autoimmune specialist. The meeting confirmed what I had already analyzed in the blood work.

I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. Lyme disease is twice as likely to occur in females than males. I also had mold illness and a wheat allergy so severe that Celiac Disease was suspected. I was devastated.

From External to Internal vision : A Journey of Self-Discovery

In the following months, as I struggled to see and my eyesight worked to adjust, my world completely shifted. My specialist recommended that I meditate 3x day. It was not new to me, as I had actually worked at a Buddhist university at the beginning of my career, but I hadn’t meditated in many years.

My diminished external vision of my eyesight led to a dramatic cascade of internal vision.

As my natural treatments progressed, it was as if my mind awakened and a dramatic funnel of light flooded me with inspiration.

A few weeks later, I decided to join a book club, as I had started writing my novel again and longed to connect with other women that might be going through the same thing.

Even though I had read extensively in college, I had not read an actual book in years. I wasn’t even sure I could actually read the book with my eyesight, but I decided to go anyway.

One day, a woman started sharing her dream. I immediately realized I didn’t even want to talk about the book, I wanted her to talk about her dream.  It was then that I realized what I was here to do.

Into the Dreamworld : Dreams as a Pathway to Wellness

All of my life I had been fascinated by dreams, but I never saw an opportunity to do anything with my passion, until now.

I felt extremely driven to launch my business, as if some greater force was driving me, directing the whole thing, before I even had a chance to second guess or think of all the reasons not to.

Initially, I knew that I wanted to offer my service to women, but the rest of the picture had not evolved.

I felt like my previous career experiences were completely different from my new venture and didn’t apply. But now I see they are all connected, they all do apply.

I have owned a successful digital marketing business with my husband for the last 25 years. Even though initially I felt like I was completely starting over from scratch, in a new industry, with no bearings, I began to see that I actually have all the tools already in my toolbox to make this a success.

My toolbox already included:

a love of writing,

fascination with mysteries,

affinity for metaphors,

ability to decode,

strong sense of empathy,

appreciation for wellness,

intuitive nature,

insatiable quest for knowledge and

tenacity and determination.

Together they created a synergy that lit the way for my new path.

Even my prior certification in online teaching and learning was going to help me spread the word to others.

My husband’s support, as well as my family and friends, have been invaluable in my recovery. But I have come to realize women need support in all of their life transitions, regardless of whether they are suffering from chronic disease or not.

We all have some dis-ease, whether in our minds or in our bodies.

I believe that all dis-ease is revealed in our dreams.

Analyzing and interpreting our dreams is a wellness exercise that all women should partake in.  It is the ultimate in self-care.

We are here to discover our greater purpose and our dreams know the secrets.

Dream analysis can help us unlock our true paths.

I am honored to stand in the doorway to your dreams and hold that space open for all women seeking their higher truth.

If this story resonated with you and you’d like to share your story, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment below or send me a direct message.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.

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