Embracing Lunar Wisdom Summit: Session 1

Join us on a celestial journey as we delve into the enchanting dance between our dreams and the lunar cycles in Embracing Lunar Wisdom Summit: The Session 1. This cosmic partnership offers a gateway to new beginnings and profound insights that can transform your life.

🌙 New Moon: The Time of Fresh Starts and Intentions
Discover the magic of the new moon and learn how to manifest your dreams through the power of intention. Explore a simple yet powerful technique to unlock the hidden messages within your dreams and tap into your inner guidance.

🌕 Full Moon: Amplifying Dreams and Receiving Guidance
Experience the intense energy of the full moon and its ability to amplify the messages in your dreams. Learn how to decipher the details and symbols in your dreams to access your inner wisdom. Use affirmations to integrate insights gained from your dreams.

🌘 Waning Phase: Dive Deep into Shadow Work
As the moon transitions to the waning phase, embark on a journey of self-discovery through shadow work. Uncover and release self-limiting fears and beliefs hidden within your dreams.

The moon is your guiding light on this inner journey, and our team of experts is here to illuminate your path:

🌟 Megan – Intuitive Dream Analyst and Podcast Host
🌟 Jess – Intuitive Health Mentor and Body Advocate
🌟 Ardeena – Mentor, Guide, and Breathwork Coach
🌟 Bethany – Author, Astrologer, and Relationship Expert
🌟 Becca – Visionary in Holistic Time Management
🌟 Amanda – Certified Moonologer TM

Together, we explore the profound influence of lunar cycles on our dreamscape through the DreamMirrorTM Method, uncovering themes, emotions, and symbols that forge a deeper connection between the celestial and the subconscious.

Let these teachings and insights be your guiding stars as you continue to embrace the wisdom of the moon and unlock the limitless potential within yourselves. May your dreams be a source of inspiration and guidance in every phase of the moon.

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Moon’s Phases: Dream Mirror and Lunar Wisdom

Megan introduced the concept of harnessing lunar wisdom and the potential of the moon’s phases to tap into one’s intuition and higher self. She demonstrated the DreamMirror method, which involves recalling and analyzing dreams’ emotions, settings, and symbols to uncover hidden meanings. The method aims to empower individuals to unlock their subconscious and embark on a path of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment, aligning with the moon’s phases. Megan also highlighted the significance of the moon’s phases’ interplay, the rhythmic cycle’s potential, and the positioning’s influence on the moon’s shadow’s appearance, depending on the hemisphere. Megan discussed the relationship between lunar cycles and our dreams, emphasizing the new moon as a time for new beginnings and setting intentions, and the full moon as a period of heightened energy and dream recall. She encouraged practicing dream journaling and using affirmations to manifest solutions and integrate insights. She also highlighted the waning phase as suitable for shadow work and releasing self-limiting beliefs. Towards the end, Megan welcomed Jess Rowe to speak about layer, lifestyle moon, and menstrual cycles for well-being.

Health Mentor’s Moon-Lifestyle Integration

Jess, a health mentor, shared her personal experience of dealing with health issues and her transition to helping others lead healthier lifestyles. She emphasized the importance of considering both physical and spiritual health when providing guidance, and highlighted the role of the moon in achieving balance and breaking burnout cycles. Jess explained that the moon helps us understand the ebb and flow between action and rest and is currently working on integrating periods of work and rest. She emphasized the importance of aligning one’s lifestyle with the phases of the moon and menstrual cycle, and presented a three-step process for achieving this balance. Jess also highlighted the relevance of the ‘four pillars practices’ and recommended adjusting them according to the energy of each lunar phase and menstrual cycle.

Embracing Lunar Energy for Self-Reflection and Transformation

Ardeena discussed the concept of embracing lunar energy for self-reflection and self-inquiry, explaining that it means accepting the natural highs and lows of life, similar to the phases of the moon. She highlighted the importance of slowing down and tuning into one’s body, feelings, and intuitive knowings for transformation and self-understanding. Ardeena also warned about the potential downsides of reverse lunar energies, such as getting stuck in our thoughts and emotions, becoming reactive, or assuming a victim mindset. She emphasized the role of self-reflection in shifting perspective and finding ways through challenges.

Embracing the Hidden Feminine: Black Moon Lilith

Following this, Megan introduced Bethany, who spoke about the Black Moon Lilith, an astrological concept that represents the hidden feminine aspects of ourselves. Bethany explained that the Black Moon Lilith is not a physical moon or star, but rather a lunar space that signifies the shadow side of ourselves and the feminine. She also linked this concept to biblical stories, where Lilith was the first partner of Adam and was exiled for refusing to be submissive.

Bethany discussed the concept of the “shadow aspects” in relation to the Lilith archetype, emphasizing that these exiled aspects are often our most interesting and powerful gifts. Bethany also explained that one could locate these aspects in their chart by identifying the house and sign the Black Moon Lilith is in, as it could provide valuable information about the gifts or secrets held. In her chart, the Black Moon Lilith is in the twelfth house under Pisces and Leo, which she interpreted as a fear of being seen due to potential consequences, a phenomenon she termed the “witch wound”.

Bethany discussed the influence of ancestral experiences on current life, and how these could manifest in the form of intuitive gifts or astrological traits. She emphasized the importance of embracing and sharing these gifts, and how this could be indicated by certain chart representations in astrology. Bethany also highlighted the potential challenges of being misunderstood or misinterpreted in the spiritual realm, and the need for precision in self-presentation and communication. She concluded by suggesting that people often already have an intuitive understanding of their gifts, and that astrology can reflect and amplify these insights.

Ditching Constructs: Becca’s Moon Magic

Becca, the founder of holistic time management, shared her experiences and perspectives on ditching society’s construct of time and teaming up with the moon. She mentioned her background in engineering, Yoga, Reiki, and her ongoing travels. She also shared her love for astrology and magic, and how she fell in love with setting intentions with the moon during her time in New Orleans.

Becca shared her personal experience with time and spirituality, emphasizing the impact of societal time concepts like urgency and the equating of time to money. She emphasized the importance of our well-being being tied to how we spend our time, and highlighted the need to let go of societal constructs around time in order to sustainably work and rest. She contrasted societal time with spiritual time, defining the latter as our lifetime on the planet, and highlighted the benefits of syncing with nature. Becca invited service providers and healers to explore holistic time management further.

Amanda’s Moonology Manifesting Techniques

Amanda, a certified Moonologer and author, shared her experience with manifesting through moonology, a practice she has been using for over 20 years. She detailed how she was able to manifest small things easily but found it challenging when counteracted by her spouse. Amanda also shared her recent success in manifesting $5,000 for her daughter’s wedding and other upcoming expenses using the moon’s energy.

Amanda shared her experience of using the moon cycles for manifesting her goals and intentions. She revealed that she set a specific goal to manifest $5,000 for her wedding and Christmas, which she found intimidating but eventually achieved through a tax return. She emphasized the importance of the full moon for releasing and forgiving oneself, and her process involved burning everything she wanted to let go of. Despite the initial surprise of the tax return, she had to have a difficult conversation with her husband about how to allocate the funds, which she managed with the help of her moon cycle practice. She concluded that the key points of using the moon for manifesting are setting intentions at the new moon and releasing everything possible at the full moon.

Amanda discussed the significance of the first and third quarter moons in relation to personal challenges and the importance of forgiveness in overcoming these obstacles. She emphasized that the moon can assist in manifesting and encouraged practicing this muscle consistently. Amanda shared her personal experience of how working with the moon has helped her ground more into the earth, opened her up, and allowed her to focus on her intuition. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be with women who share similar interests and for the support it provides.

Women’s Dream Collective

Megan expressed her gratitude to the event attendees and offered a 20% discount on her self-paced dream courses. She announced the launch of the Women’s Dream Collective, an online community for women to support each other on their spiritual journeys. Amanda asked Bethany about finding Lilith on an astrology chart, and Bethany recommended the website Astro-seek for its unlimited use option.

Julia and Ardeena discussed the effectiveness of taking a moment to breathe when facing obstacles. Ardeena suggested this method can help shift energy and open up new insights. Julia found this aligned with her work using essential oils. Megan added to the conversation by endorsing the power of sound frequencies, announcing the topic of the next summit would be related to this on November 11, 2023. Megan also reminded everyone of discounts and offers available from the summit speakers.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.