Embracing Lunar Wisdom Summit: Session 2

🌙 New Moon: The Time of Fresh Starts and Intentions
Discover the magic of the new moon and learn how to manifest your dreams through the power of intention. Explore a simple yet powerful technique to unlock the hidden messages within your dreams and tap into your inner guidance.

🌕 Full Moon: Amplifying Dreams and Receiving Guidance
Experience the intense energy of the full moon and its ability to amplify the messages in your dreams. Learn how to decipher the details and symbols in your dreams to access your inner wisdom. Use affirmations to integrate insights gained from your dreams.

🌘 Waning Phase: Dive Deep into Shadow Work
As the moon transitions to the waning phase, embark on a journey of self-discovery through shadow work. Uncover and release self-limiting fears and beliefs hidden within your dreams.

The moon is your guiding light on this inner journey, and our team of experts is here to illuminate your path:

🌟 Megan – Intuitive Dream Analyst and Podcast Host
🌟 Lisa – Menstrual Cycle Coach
🌟 Cressida – Lunar Skincare Mastermind
🌟 Denise Damijo – Shamanic Integrative Wellness Educator and Coach
🌟 Georgie – Transformation Mastery Coach and MoonologerTM
🌟 Juliana Luna – Guardian of Lunar Ancestral technology
🌟 Ruth Fae – Intuitive Writing Coach and Editor

Together, we explore the profound influence of lunar cycles on our dreamscape through the DreamMirrorTM Method, uncovering themes, emotions, and symbols that forge a deeper connection between the celestial and the subconscious.

Let these teachings and insights be your guiding stars as you continue to embrace the wisdom of the moon and unlock the limitless potential within yourselves. May your dreams be a source of inspiration and guidance in every phase of the moon.

Join our Dream Collective community on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace the wisdom of the moon and awaken your true potential.

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Megan, founder of Women’s Dream Analysis and the host of the Women’s Dream Enlightenment Podcast, (and her cat Merlin) expressed joy at having the attendees present for the Lunar Wisdom Summit, emphasizing the importance of women’s empowerment through the moon’s guidance. Megan also mentioned that she received a divine calling to create the summit, and was honored to serve as the vessel for this cosmic wisdom.

Moon Phases and Dream Interpretation

Megan discussed the significance of the moon’s phases in harnessing intuition and connecting with the higher self. She presented a four-step Dream Mirror method to analyze dreams and interpret them as metaphors for waking life. Megan emphasized the interplay of the moon’s phases with our dreams and suggested that understanding this relationship can lead to personal growth and insight. She highlighted the opportunities to set intentions, decode messages from the deeper self, and release self-limiting fears during different phases of the moon.

Moon and Menstrual Cycles: A Cyclical Connection

Lisa discussed the connection between the moon and women’s menstrual cycles, highlighting the similar cyclical rhythms they share. She emphasized the benefits of understanding these cycles, both hormonal and lunar, and using the moon as a guide, regardless of whether one has a menstrual cycle.

Lisa shared about a free downloadable cycle starter kit that Megan would distribute, designed to help individuals engage with their menstrual cycle and access its energies.

Megan then introduced Cressida Pollack, who was set to present on utilizing the moon cycle in work and life, particularly in the context of small batch, natural skin care. Cressida discussed her journey and passion for helping women incorporate rituals into their daily lives to feel connected with nature, and the importance of creating unique, holistic skin care solutions free from harmful chemicals.

Cressida Pollack expressed her vision for her skin care brand, which is focused on creating easy and uncomplicated rituals for women. She emphasized the importance of aligning with natural rhythms, specifically the lunar cycles, in her unique manufacturing process. She shared her recent realization of the moon’s influence on women’s hormones and self care. Cressida encouraged the audience to embrace rest and relaxation and pass on the importance of self care to future generations. Megan then thanked Cressida and introduced Denise Damijo to speak on giving reverence to the moon.

Honoring the Moon Transforms Practices

Denise Damijo discussed honoring the moon and its significance in her practices. Denise Damijo shared her experience of being introduced to the moon’s spiritual side and how it transformed and helped her life. She realized the importance of giving honor and reverence to the moon for the transformations it brings about. Denise also shared a practice she developed to honor the moon and its ethics. She asked the moon if it could serve her and detailed her experiences of calling in new things during the new moon and releasing things during the full moon.

Denise discussed the importance of showing respect and gratitude towards the moon in her spiritual practices. She emphasized building a relationship with the moon through meditation and communication, and expressed her belief that showing appreciation for the moon’s contributions makes her own requests more powerful and meaningful. She stressed the importance of viewing oneself as not just a taker, but also a giver in these spiritual practices. Megan thanked Denise for her insights.

Dark Moon: A Guide to Transformation

Megan introduced Georgie Doherty, who spoke about harnessing the energetics of the Dark Moon. Georgie shared her personal journey with the Dark Moon, which she has studied and practiced for the past three years, particularly during her third and fourth pregnancy and postpartum period. She compared the Dark Moon to winter, a time of transition, endings, and going inwards. She emphasized that the Dark Moon is a guide during these periods of transformation, whether it’s in menopause, aging, death, personal loss, or changes in relationships, job, and belief systems.

Georgie discussed the concept of the Dark Moon and its various complexities and layers. She emphasized that understanding the Dark Moon as cyclical rather than linear can bring about feelings of transition and renewal. Georgie emphasized the importance of practicing rest and learning to harness this energy, whether in personal life, business, or relationships. She also highlighted the potential benefits of incorporating rituals into one’s routine, specifically for the Dark Moon phase.

Georgie discussed the energy and intent behind the Dark Moon, emphasizing the idea of releasing, letting go, and detoxing to create space for new experiences. She suggested that the time before the new moon is beneficial for clearing out physical and digital clutter, as well as for spiritual detox. Georgie highlighted the shift from the active, doing phase of the waxing cycle to the full moon’s restful, being phase. She encouraged the group to connect with nature and ground themselves in the present moment.

Georgie discussed the emotional and physical benefits of connecting with the Dark Moon, a phase often ignored or suppressed by many. She suggested practices such as releasing what needs to be let go, resting, and renewing oneself, triggering behaviors such as overeating or keeping busy. Georgie also highlighted the feelings of guilt, shame, or rejection that can come with rest and the importance of recognizing and feeling those emotions safely. She ended by emphasizing that rest is productive and healing.

Luna’s Ancestral Healing System

Luna shared her experience of receiving a spiritual system, the Luna practice, during her visit to her ancestral land in Nigeria. This system, based on ancestral wisdom, is a lunar mapping framework designed to heal and transform any misaligned frequencies in a person’s field. Luna claimed that this system helped her heal her difficult relationship with her mother. She emphasized that the system uses the concept of “waters” as a metaphor for our internal rivers, and it allows one to observe their presence in internal time and space, listening to their soul’s desires through intuition.

Luna shared her experience of receiving a spiritual system, the Luna practice, during her visit to her ancestral land in Nigeria. This system, based on ancestral wisdom, is a lunar mapping framework designed to heal and transform any misaligned frequencies in a person’s field. Luna claimed that this system helped her heal her difficult relationship with her mother. She emphasized that the system uses the concept of “waters” as a metaphor for our internal rivers, and it allows one to observe their presence in internal time and space, listening to their soul’s desires through intuition.

Luna discussed a personal growth and self-love framework. She emphasized the importance of accepting and understanding one’s emotions, recognizing and letting go of toxic patterns, and aligning with the divine. Luna also highlighted the significance of ancestral lineage and the moon cycles in one’s physical and emotional wellbeing. She offered her guidance and teachings for those interested, inviting them to connect with her for a deeper understanding of this framework.

Writing Coach Ruth and Lunar Cycles

Megan introduced Ruth, who was set to discuss using lunar cycles to enhance creative expression and announced an intention to explore more about the topics presented in the meeting. Ruth also invited attendees to close their eyes and reflect on their personal experiences with writing. Ruth, an intuitive writing coach, editor, author, and speaker, discussed how using the lunar cycles can enhance one’s writing and creative expression. She shared her personal journey of overcoming self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and fear of sharing her work, by leveraging the lunar cycles. Ruth emphasized the benefits of tuning into emotions, developing individualized rituals, and learning when to rest and take action. She highlighted the new moon phase as a time for rest and self-care, rather than being busy and productive.

Ruth discussed the relationship between the lunar cycle and creative practices like writing. She advised developing a writing schedule and finding a ritual that works during the waxing cycle, which is the time for creativity and not editing. She emphasized the importance of observing and being open to inspiration during the first quarter moon. The waxing gibbous moon is when challenges may arise, and she suggested reassessing goals and exploring other forms of creativity. During the full moon, Ruth recommended launching new offers or articles, acknowledging accomplishments, and trusting in one’s work. In the waning cycle, she suggested creating awareness about projects, reflecting on the process, and letting go of guilt or shame if intentions weren’t achieved.

Online Courses and New Community: Women’s Dream Collective

Megan expressed her gratitude to the attendees of the Lunar Wisdom Summit and invited them to take advantage of a 20% discount on her online courses. She also announced the next summit on sound healing and the launch of her new community, Women’s Dream Collective, which is an online community for women to share, seek, and support each other on their spiritual journeys. Megan also answered Cressida’s question about how to work with her despite not remembering dreams, suggesting that her online course includes tips for dream recall.

Meditation, Journaling, and Dreams: Megan’s Subconscious Journey

Megan shared her experience of using meditation to access different parts of the mind and enhance awareness. She recommended starting a journaling practice and encouraged everyone to take her course, which provides additional tips and practices. She and Ruth discussed the challenges of balancing dream message reception with restorative sleep. Megan highlighted the importance of aligning with the subconscious to receive its wisdom and explained the concept of middle messages. She also noted that visual downloads during meditation or massages are similar to dreams.


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.