Guest Appearance: Breathe Love & Magic Podcast

Dream Message – What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You

Have you ever wondered what’s behind the curtain of your dreams, or why they often feel like glimpses into another dimension? Well, let me share with you my personal journey into the fascinating world of dreamwork, as part of a conversation I had with Ronnie Ann Ryan on the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.

It all began when I felt an inexplicable calling to dive into the enigmatic realm of dreams. It was as if a higher force had whispered in my ear that this was my innate gift to share with the world. At the time, I was grappling with the challenges of multiple chronic illnesses, and little did I know that this would serve as the catalyst for my newfound perception and understanding of dreams.

In my perspective, dreams act as gateways to enlightenment, awakening, and even a touch of magic. They offer us a unique opportunity for profound personal transformation, allowing us to access a wellspring of knowledge that remains concealed within the labyrinth of our waking life’s illusions.

To me, dreams are not just random stories; they are messages from our higher selves, the universe, our ancestors, and even our spirit guides. However, I must confess that my approach to interpreting dreams is far from the scientific dogma you might find in textbooks. In fact, I’d go so far as to suggest breaking up with your dream book, as those standardized interpretations may not resonate with your unique journey.

What makes dreamwork particularly captivating is the possibility of experiencing visitation dreams and receiving dream messages. These messages often appear as ordinary thoughts, but it’s in that mystical in-between space, somewhere between the waking and sleeping worlds, that they take on a different, almost ethereal quality.

Have you ever had recurring dreams, the kind that keeps coming back like a persistent whisper, trying to catch your attention? These dreams are akin to your subconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you that there’s something you need to comprehend.

In my exploration of dreams, I’ve developed a straightforward yet profound method that I fondly refer to as the DreamMirror Method. It consists of four essential steps:

  1. Memory: Document your dream in meticulous detail, even the seemingly insignificant aspects. Provide your dream with a concise title that encapsulates its essence.
  2. Mood: Reflect on the emotional landscape of the dream, both within the dream itself and upon waking. Uncover the emotions that colored your dream, for they are the key to unlocking its message.
  3. Mirror: Dive deep into the dream’s elements – the people, places, actions, colors, numbers, and symbols. If there are individuals in your dream, describe them using three adjectives to add depth to your interpretation.
  4. Metaphor: Now, weave these elements together to unveil the dream’s true meaning in the context of your waking life. This process serves as a bridge between your subconscious and conscious mind.

Imagine being able to rewrite the ending of a troubling dream, offering you the chance to explore alternative possibilities and expand your options. This simple yet empowering step can transform your dream experience.

Another intriguing technique I’ve encountered is dream manifestation or incubation. It involves focusing on a previous dream before going to bed and setting your intention for a different outcome when you revisit it in your sleep. This process engages your subconscious mind in finding fresh solutions.

But why is it so challenging to remember our dreams? Dreams are fleeting, and within just a few minutes of waking, they can slip away like morning mist. The key to retaining them lies in reflecting on your dreams and promptly recording them as you wake.

Let’s talk about nightmares. They often leave a profound impact due to their intense emotional content, and in dreams, our emotional minds are as active as they are in waking life. These nightmares provide an opportunity to delve into your shadow self, unlocking the stories’ metaphoric meaning, and helping you conquer your fears, limitations, and inner barriers. In essence, dreamwork is the ultimate form of self-care, allowing you to look within and understand yourself more deeply, ultimately freeing your energy and resolving long-standing issues.

Recalling the details of your dreams involves thinking backward, much like retracing your steps to remember why you walked into a room (we’ve all had those moments). It requires patience and consistency, but the more you practice, the better you become at capturing the essence of your dream messages.

For those who are practitioners in the realm of healing, whether you’re a Reiki healer, therapist, Shaman, or any other light worker, integrating dream interpretation into your practice can be a powerful complement. Dreams hold transformative potential, and by working with them, you can provide a profound layer of healing for your clients.

Ultimately, my greatest hope is that you’ll come to appreciate your dreams and the powerful messages they carry. Embracing them and working with them can open the doors to transformation and enlightenment that you never knew were possible.

To help you begin your own dream journey, I’m excited to offer you a special gift – the DreamMirror Journal Template. You can access it by signing up for my newsletter. Happy dreaming!


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.