Guest Appearance: Healing Through Love Australia

I so enjoyed my time being interviewed by Sharlene Lynch on the Healing Through Love Podcast Australia.

In this episode, I share my personal journey with dreams and how they became a transformative part of my healing process. We dive deep into the world of dreams and explore their varying lengths, vividness, and how they can offer guidance and enlightenment.

I also reveal the factors that can affect dreaming, from sleep science to estrogen levels and even the moon cycle. We discuss the importance of dream reflection, self-care, and the incredible power of lucid dreaming.

Plus, I share about the Women’s Dream Collective, dream therapy courses, and my upcoming project to train women as dream mirror guides. So, get ready to unlock the hidden meanings of your dreams as we embark on a mystical journey through the dream world. Let’s dive in!


dream, love, women, sleep, journey, healing, collective, wake, healing journey, dream journal, started, connect, healing modality, listening, night, mystical, write, remember, work, guidance


Welcome to the healing through love podcast. I’m your host Sharlene Lynch from Healing Through love is here to help victims and survivors of domestic and family violence find their way back to living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. We interview experts and survivors who share their personal stories and offer advice to those who have experienced abuse no matter where they are on their healing journey. As well as the healing through life podcast we hold annual pamper days here in Adelaide, South Australia. For survivors of domestic and family violence, local businesses come together and pay it forward by providing their services and resources for a day of for the survivors for a much needed day of indulgence. Think day spa on steroids. And we are so excited that Now Healing Through love has gone global. We are teaching communities all around the world, how to run these pamper days and unite the community to make a difference. If this sounds like you, no matter where you are on this planet reach out to healing through love. We would love to include you into the training programme so that you can bring this beautiful programme to families near you. I love it. So if you feel aligned with what Healing Through love is up to please reach out we’d love to have a conversation. And every week we have amazing guests and this week is no difference we’ve got Megan Mary is a dream worker who specialises in the analysis of women’s dreams to promote transformative personal growth and enlightenment. She’s the founder of women’s dreamers analysis and the women’s dream enlightenment podcast. She is an intuitive she’s an introvert. She’s a mystic. She’s a writer. And after being diagnosed with three chronic illnesses, she experienced a spiritual awakening. She now works with women all around the world offering them interpretation, transformation, journeys and enlightenment and guidance. She lives in Idaho, with her rock star drama husband and two cats. Hello, and welcome to Healing Through love podcast. Thank you so much for joining us, Megan.


Hi, Charlene. Thank you for having me here.


Oh, it’s lovely to connect. I would love to start our conversation today with you sharing with the audience. Why dreams? How did you get here? How did you get to dreams?


Yes. So growing up, I was always fascinated by dreams. I had recurring wonderful flying dreams and also recurring nightmares. And I always wanted to know what they meant. And I used to go look in the dream dictionaries. And they didn’t really make sense. And I was always attracted to everything that was mysterious, ethereal, esoteric, metaphysical. And I really kind of for a while stop listening to my dreams. I did keep a journal in my 20s. But I stopped doing it stopped paying attention. And it wasn’t until I really became very ill and diagnosed with the all these chronic illnesses at once that I had to reevaluate what I was doing really needed some guidance really needed to start looking inside. And so I started listening to my dreams again. And I discovered that they really had a lot of guidance for me. And when that became a pivotal part of my healing journey, it then also became my passion and my calling to share that with other women to help them on their healing journey.


It’s beautiful. It is true, isn’t it? Because because we do have the answers inside of us. And we just need to get to them. And there’s so much in the way, but it’s still right there. Every single night we go to sleep, that we’re having that connection to our subconscious mind. So the answers are really there. The answers really are inside of you. I love it. That’s so beautiful. So you keep a journal and you encourage your clients to keep journals too.


Yes, absolutely. And of course journaling just in itself, even if it’s not a dream journal can be extremely healing, writing, putting out all your thoughts onto paper is is so healing but a dream journal can add that extra layer because then you’re not only incorporating your conscious but you’re incorporating your subconscious, you’re really starting to integrate the two in a reflexive way that can give you a much broader perspective.


Yes, so I love dreams. I love everything dreams, and I do a little process what I call sitting in it. Apparently according to my mum, I’ve been doing this all of my life. So a mum would always try and wake me up to go to school and I’d go five more minutes, five more minutes, five more minutes. And part of it was I love to sleep in but it’s also that I would hold myself in that dream state as the observer and not do any lucid dreaming or anything moving around. Just observe Have it. And what I didn’t understand what I was doing was giving myself that opportunity to have that connection to the conscious and subconscious mind. So that I can really dive in deep. So I love it. My husband now knows when I’m sitting in it. But I just find that it’s a great way for me to start. So I’m bringing all the work that I’ve done in the night time into the day by just sitting in that process observing, not changing, because I remember when I was really not well, I’d love to change things and move things about, which is more on the lucid space than anything else. not supportive of a journey, because I wasn’t really listening to what was happening for me inside. But I love it. I love it. I love it. And I love dream journals. I think they’re fantastic. So do you have a dream journal? Is this something that you encourage? Or do you have your own?


Yes, I have many. So it’s whatever I’m writing it at the time, I have so many notebooks. But I also like to keep notes, keep note of them in my phone, actually on this digital. It’s a digital digital journeying app. And I really like that, because then I can search on keywords, I can tag things. And I can start to see the threads and the patterns and the commonalities over time in the different dreams. And I can also really quickly look back at a dream, I just want to look up that one dream was about X, I look it up, I can look it up right away, I don’t have to go rummaging through tonnes of notebooks. So


I love that I love that I love that it’s so beautiful. And I remember on many occasions, as I was going through my getting world journey, many of my therapists would use Dream Therapy as as part of the helping me understand that I really did have the answers. I just wasn’t seeing them. And you know, my, my, they would get me to write down my dreams. And then that would be one of the conversations I’d have at my therapist. So yeah, I love it. I’m curious to see how what is it that you bring to the concept of dream and dream therapy. That is that is unique that is different from what’s out there.


So unlike the traditional young in or Freudian or psychotherapy approaches to dream analysis, I like to take a more storytelling, mystical aspect. So my background is in literature, I have a bachelor’s and a master’s in English literature. So I have a love story. I’m very much intrigued by analysing the metaphor of a story. But I’m also at my heart, a very mystical person. And I really believe in a lot of esoteric beliefs. You know, I mix the the quantum physics with the spiritual realm with other dimensions with time travel with all kinds of things. And I really believe that dreams are a doorway to other dimensions. And I really believe there’s a lot more possible than just what maybe a sleep lab might be telling us or what a scientific experiment of what’s happening with our brain might tell us. So I add on that spiritual element, and also just my love of story helps me really draw out that deeper meaning when I look at the dream as a story.


Okay, so how was the whole dream concept part of your wellness journey? How, how are they intrinsically connected?


So when I started doing a lot of inner work, so at the depths of my illness, I started meditating daily, and I’ve meditated before but not on a daily basis. And when I started doing that, it really started opening up the other world for me that I had forgotten. I won’t say I didn’t know about it, but it was more of a spiritual remembering a going back. And when I did that, you know, our dream state is in the theta brainwave, which is the same as the meditative state. So there are a lot of similarities when you start opening up yourself up to that quiet space in the mind. And when I started doing that, and started journaling, I started realising that my dreams had a lot of lot of guidance in there. I was getting a lot of messages, a lot of interactions, a lot of really prophetic things. And I thought, wow, this is so powerful, something’s happening, that I’m really changing here. And there, I’m really awakening to this to something and the more I started paying attention, the more I started seeing synchronicities and signs the coincidences and Spirit guidance and, and then I started following that path. And then a whole new world opened up for me when I really stepped into alignment with that purpose.


I’m curious to see how much is sleep hygiene got to do with the quality of the dream and also remembering it the next day?


Well, I think that even if you are a little bit of an insomniac because I certainly have suffered from that, that you still can remember them, and you still can receive those messages. In fact, if you wake up a lot during the night, you might remember a lot, because every time you wake up, you’re reentering that state. And so I some people sleep super heavy through the entire night, I’m not one of those people. So you know, I think, obviously, you want to you don’t want to compromise your your sleep, you need that restorative time. But there’s also time that you’re should be making throughout throughout your day to do reflection, or meditation or journaling. And I think that at least once a week, if you can, you know, observe one dream that you’ve had, and maybe take some time with it, that that’s, I believe, that’s the ultimate self care, because you’re really taking the time to listen to your higher self.


So many of our audience are on a healing journey. So. So your concept is that they can reach into their dreams and do a little dream analysis, or a lot depending on what’s happening for them. And that can help them heal. So what what are we doing? Are we looking at the, the answers that we’re receiving overnight time, as to what we need to be doing to, to move forward to move in that direction is that what we’re saying?


It can be a combination of things. So dreams can reveal things you need to work on, they can also reveal things that you didn’t realise that you’re not taking advantage of gifts that you have directions that you could be taking, they also can be a great source of inspiration for creativity. So our subconscious really works on a lot of our challenges and questions. And we can use that reflexively to improve our life. It allows us to have a lot of self discovery. And that can be a great healing modality. But there’s also a lot of other applications as well in terms of creativity and just gaining confidence.


Yes, I love it. I love it. Now I understand that you have the dream women’s dream of collective online community is that, what is that what it’s called?


Women’s dream collective? Yes. Okay. Yes. Excellent. So


what does that look like? Yes.


So it’s a place online, a community where women can come and seek share and support. So it’s like minded women, women who are on their journey, whether it be a spiritual journey, a healing journey, a transformational introspective self discovery journey. And they’re all seeking that support that knowledge, that wisdom, they can come into the collective where they can attend live dream circles, where there’s other women, sharing their dreams, and networking circles, and also attend live events and receive learn from all the other women that are coming, coming in. And they’re all women who I’ve had wonderful experiences with that have made a huge difference for me in my journey. And I really just, my dream is to have them all together. And then to have everyone come in and experience them all, as I have.


I love it. I love it. I love it. Okay, now this is a paid community.


Yes, it’s $33 a month.


Excellent. That is that is very affordable. Now I also understand that you offer self paced courses as well, can you? Can you explain a little bit more about those?


Yes, so I have two different online courses. And they’re really short courses, you can do them probably on a matter of a day. But they’re meant to be done in just 10 minutes a day over the course of a week. And they give you an insight into my dream mirror method, which is the method that I use for dream interpretation. It takes you through what dream analysis is, what are the benefits of doing that, then what are the four steps of my method, it gives you exercises so that you can try it out for yourself. And there’s also a classroom circle in the collective that you gain access to, as well as the rest of the collective for a limited time while you’re doing the course so that you can share your experience with other people taking the course, and really be able to get feedback from the rest of the collective on your journey.


So this is like a glimpse into the method. Yes. Wow, that’s fantastic. So this online course would be for who anyone who’s looking for an introduction into the process.


Yeah, so I have two different ones. One is for all women that are at any stage in their in their journey and are curious about dreams. The other one is for people who are I call it spiritual providers, but it’s basically anyone who’s working in a healing modality whether it’s a counsellor, a Hypnotherapist? A Reiki you know could be anything, you could be an energy worker, someone who is doing the work to help other women and very well, they have probably gone on their own journey that brought them there to discover their gifts. And so that is just a slightly, it’s this some of the same content, but it’s just tweaked a little bit to help them understand how they can deliver that as part of their modality. Because ultimately, that’s what I would like to do is empower all women as well as all women healers, to help others learn the benefits.


I love it. I love it, I love it. So one of the things that comes up a lot every day, when I talk to people about dreams is I don’t remember them. Like, it just seems to be such a common response to talking to people about diving into and, you know, sitting in their dream space so that they can see what their current subconscious is connecting to their conscious mind. So what’s one tip that you can help us with our audience today? And what’s a tip for them to be able to do remember their dreams?


Yes, so because that is one of the most common questions. That is what day one is about in the course. And it’s basically tips for dream recall. And one of the ones I usually recommend the most is you hit on it when you said you’re sitting in it method, it’s basically when you’re waking up. And you’re in that I call it the middle world, the world in between sleeping and waking, where you’re transitioning from that theta brain wave to the beta waking state, but you’re still kind of in the middle. Take that moment, you know, the first few minutes when you first wake up and keep your eyes closed, and don’t think about your day and don’t pick up your phone, don’t turn the light on and just sit and think backwards. And when I say think backwards, it’s like when you walk into a room and you say what did I come in here for? What was I just doing? And then you have to stop? And you have to think back words, what were you just thinking to retrace your steps mentally, it’s very much like that. And when you start to do that, it takes a little bit of practice, and it takes some efforts and concentration. But when you start to do that, you get a little hit, you remember one little thing, and then you focus on that thing. And then the West starts to disappear.


I love it. I love it. And for me, one of the greatest things was definitely teaching myself to wake up before the alarm goes off. And and you know, that’s by going to sleep with the intention that I wake up at, maybe 525. Yeah, and if the alarm set for 530. And then and then but I don’t know how but it does work. And then I do wake up. So it gives me just that five minutes. And really for me, I don’t know about you. But that’s really all I need is just those few moments to be able to put it together, get the key thread, get the key understanding, not not change it or move it or anything, just to be able to sit in it, basically and get it and I want to ask you about lucid dreaming because as a child I know Luca there was some challenges in my life. And you know, I, I attempted suicide at 13. So like I had lots of challenges. And one of the things that I used to use as a child to navigate the challenges that were in my life was lucid dreaming. Now I use that for a lot of my life as entertainment as escapism and all of those things. But later on as I evolved, I realised that the lucid dreaming, although it’s fun, it wasn’t really helping me it was more like watching television, it was more like entertainment, it wasn’t allowing me that opportunity to have that conscious subconscious connection for you know, the, into that next realm so that I can hold the space and have the learnings. And it was also not assisting me with having the download so that my brain was finding the information that I needed. In fact, if I’d had a night of lucid dreaming, I would wake up more tired than I was when I went to sleep. So I’d like I’d love to get your take on lucid dreaming.


Well, on the contrary, I actually think that there are a lot of applications for it for healing. So particularly in the realm of nightmares. So when you’re in a nightmare, especially a recurring nightmare, but even just a regular nightmare. And if you were able to attain a state of lucidity, you can then change the course of that dream which can be very transformational. If you’re being chased by someone, you can turn around and face that person and they will either disappear or become something completely different or the entire mood of the dream will change because you’re taking a different action. And so that is one of the really powerful applications of lucid dreaming that I highly recommend, as a healing modality.


That’s absolutely fascinating. And here, I’m just using it for entertainment. There was certainly no scary movies in there. It was just basically entertainment. So like, knowing that you can fly so deliberately putting yourself into situations so that you can fly and all the fun things that we do when we’re lucid dreaming. I love it. So yeah, wow. So this is fascinating. And you know, everybody does it. Everybody dreams on one level or another. And, and so it’s beautiful that we can connect. I love the topic of connected dreaming. So it can we talk a little bit about more than one person having the same dream? Is that something that we can talk about?


Definitely, I think that that is one of the more mystical aspects that I believe is possible. And people often asked me about a lot of different things like visitations and dreams, or astral travel or travelling to other places, or how are premonition dreams and all those types of things for me fall under that mystical umbrella. Because it’s opening up the possibility that maybe when we do go to the dream world, we aren’t just sleeping in our bed, maybe there is another world that we’re able to access by going into this different brainwave state, and maybe spiritually, that brings us closer to the spiritual wound because I feel that we are all spirits having a human experience. And so that would explain then a lot of that phenomena, any kind of SCI phenomena with dreaming, and it also explains how people can meet in dreams have the same dreams. Because we are all having a spiritual experience.


So I know as I was developing my psychic abilities that speaking to dead people, let’s just call it that. That it that’s where it started. That when I was in that theta brainwave, when I was in that open pattern when I was in the stillness so that I can have my frequency high enough to connect. Like, that’s where it started. And so yeah, but then bringing it from the dream state into reality, that was a completely different shift. That required a whole bunch more draining. So yeah, so So I had lots of people tell me that when they dream, they they spoke to someone that they love. And so whether it’s true, or it’s not true, isn’t it nice to believe that it is possible, like We’ve all lost someone, it’s nice to believe that it is possible to connect to them? In your dreams? Yeah, yes. So Wow. So you’ve got the collective, the online collective where people can communicate, you’re also running the podcast as well. And you have this beautiful, self paced course that people can connect to. So they can start to start to unpack their dreams and learn the tools and techniques to do so I love it. What’s next for you?


Well, I also do dream sessions, and I have dream journeys, as well. And what I really am going to plan to do in the future is create a actually like an academy of sorts, if you will, where women can come in and become licenced, to become dream mirror guides. That’s my ultimate goal, because I really want to be able to spread this as far and as wide as possible. And that’s going to require a lot of other women. So that’s really my ultimate goal is to just help as many women as I can teach as many women as I can, so they can help others and just have it be a ripple effect across the loan. I love it. I love it. I


love it. So Wow. So and So you’re working with people globally. And really, you’re helping you’re raising their awareness and leaning into this opportunity to understand our dreams. And so do you have your own dream journal? Or do you suggest people use an app,


I have both. So I have a book that I keep by the bed. And I also have my my phone where I have the app, and I’ll mix and match. So it’s sometimes I don’t want to turn on my phone and I don’t want to get up so I’ll write it in the journal and I actually have gotten pretty good at writing in the dark without looking because that’s the best way to not disturb your your melatonin production. So it takes some practice but yeah, it’s possible


not to turn the light on. That’s the trick. And I also found like not looking at my phone like when I was not well, I just needed that dopamine hit and I just was reaching for the phone as the first thing I mean before that I was reaching for a cigarette, but that’s okay, that’s another story. So I’m just training myself even have a morning now not connecting to my phone at all. I’m just holding space going through my processes in the morning while there’s beautiful stillness and not looking at my phone. So I haven’t, I would, I would have to learn a new skill set if I was going to get on and use an app and not look at the rest of the things. But I do love it. I do love it. So So for me, remembering my dreams, and once I’ve sat in it and gone through the unpack is that now all I do is I just hold a sentence or a word that holds the thread. And then for me, then I just write that down. And then if it requires more unpacking, then I’ll do that as well in my morning meditations and the things that I do. So in the meantime, before I start turning out for the rest of the world and doing amazing things. Because we need that we need to refill ourselves, we need to refill ourselves. One thing that I have noticed is the number of dreams. So there’s there’s more than one there’s several dreams. And so is there any science or any math or any research or evidence in and around how many dreams we dream during the night,


we have around three to five, roughly. And the longer ones are towards the end of the night. And those are also the more vivid ones. So the way the sleep cycle works. The ones that are towards the beginning of the night can be more about I don’t want to say mundane things, but they’re a little bit more not as complex, not as deep, not as vivid. And then the ones that are later in the night as we get to that early morning hours are the ones that are longer and more vivid and more complex.


And weird. Come on. Let’s face it. Let’s just say it. Let’s say it out there. Yes are weird. They’re very weird. They get the word the more than that rolls on the wheel of the dreamscape. I love it. So something that I hear a lot of people say in this very busy, you know, unique world that we live in now, because the world is different is people not getting the quality of sleep and feeling like they’re not dreaming like it’s not that they’re not that they can’t remember them. That’s a different thing is that they don’t feel that they’re getting to that REM state, they don’t feel they feel that they’re still process process process. And they’ll be still there at three o’clock in the morning. And it felt like they haven’t actually slept at all. They’re still processing. So I hear this every day from different people. What tips and techniques do you have to help people get into dream state?


Well, the dreaming it’s still processing, right? So yes, I think that, of course there’s there’s a lot of things that have to do with sleep, sleep science, of course, in terms of melatonin and all those types of aspects. And also, our oestrogen levels greatly affect our sleep cycle, as does the moon cycle. And so sometimes if we can pay attention to that, pay attention to where we are in our cycle, pay attention to where the moon is in its cycle, if we’re not having our own, that can really give us a little bit of clue as to where we are, what kind of inner work we should be doing. Why we’d be we’re not dreaming or why we’re having intense dreams, because it does fluctuate with the cycle of the moon.


Wow, that’s fascinating. Yeah, so if you’ve had a couple of rough nights and you haven’t, you don’t think that you’ve had any dreams you probably still have you just haven’t quite got there yet. Then just know that it’s part of a cycle and, and that a good night’s sleep is just around the corner. I love it. Now just in closing today, I’d love you to share with our audience. What’s your words of wisdom? What would you like the audience to know?


Yes, I believe that dreams are the doorway. They’re the doorway to reflection, enlightenment and awakening. And I really encourage everyone to just practice some dream appreciation. Don’t discard them, understand that it is from you is part of you. And that it holds a lot of inner guidance for you. And I really feel that dreams can be magical in that way for us because it really is a mysterious aspect of ourselves that holds so much potential for our own transformation.


I love it. I love it. Wow, what a wonderful half an hour it has been fabulous vegan, we could chat forever. If you’re listening today. And you need some assistance with your dreams and dreams therapy have a have a consideration about the women’s collective and also the the course as well which is very attainable for everybody. If you’re listening today and you have got you’ve got a skill set and you know that you can make a difference. We would love to have you connect to our Adelaide based Healing Through love pamper Day coming up soon. And if you’re global, reach out because we’re looking to have pamper days in your local area. If there’s not one already organised, maybe that’s when you’d like to have a conversation with us and together we can raise the frequency of this planet and help people heal and heal through love thank you for joining us today on healing through love bye for now


Tell Me Your Dreams

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About Megan Mary

Empowering women to achieve abundance through authenticity and alignment. From 3D to 5D, I weave wellness, dreamwork and digital services to bring your authentic mind, body, and spirit into transformative alignment.

I am passionate about helping other women connect with the inner guidance and wisdom in their dreams in a safe and compassionate space. I am a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and provide virtual dream analysis sessions online.

I am ready to embark on the transformative exploration with you to unlock your dreams, connect you to your higher self, align your physical body with your spiritual purpose and amplify your voice to the world.